\name{genesel-class} \docType{class} \alias{genesel-class} \alias{genesel} \alias{show,genesel-method} \title{"genesel"} \description{Object returned from a call to \code{\link{GeneSelection}}} \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{rankings}:}{A list of matrices. For the two-class case and the multi-class case where a genuine multi-class method has been used for variable selection, the length of the list is one. Otherwise, it is named according to the different binary scenarios (e.g. \code{1 vs 3}). Each list element is a \code{matrix} with rows corresponding to iterations (different \code{learningsets}) and columns to variables. Each row thus contains an index vector representing the order of the variables with respect to their variable importance (s. slot \code{importance})} \item{\code{importance}:}{A list of matrices, with the same structure as described for the slot \code{rankings}. Each row of these matrices are ordered according to \code{rankings} and contain the variable importance measure (absolute value of test statistic or regression coefficient).} \item{\code{method}:}{Name of the method used for variable selection, s. \code{\link{GeneSelection}}.} \item{\code{scheme}:}{The scheme used in the case of a non-binary response, one of \code{"pairwise"}, \code{"one-vs-all"} or \code{"multiclass"}}. } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{show}{Use \code{show(genesel-object)} for brief information} \item{toplist}{Use \code{toplist(genesel-object, k=10, iter = 1)} to display the top first 10 variables and their variable importance for the first iteration (first learningset), s.\code{\link{toplist}}.} \item{plot}{Use \code{plot(genesel-object, k=10, iter=1)} to display a barplot of the variable importance of the top first 10 variables, s. \code{\link{plot,genesel-method}}} } } \author{Martin Slawski \email{ms@cs.uni-sb.de} Anne-Laure Boulesteix \email{boulesteix@ibe.med.uni-muenchen.de}} \seealso{\code{\link{GeneSelection}}} \keyword{multivariate}