\name{dldaCMA} \alias{dldaCMA} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Diagonal Discriminant Analysis} \description{ Performs a diagonal discriminant analysis under the assumption of a multivariate normal distribution in each classes (with equal, diagonally structured) covariance matrices. The method is also known under the name 'naive Bayes' classifier. For \code{S4} method information, see \link{dldaCMA-methods}. } \usage{ dldaCMA(X, y, f, learnind, models=FALSE, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{X}{Gene expression data. Can be one of the following: \itemize{ \item A \code{matrix}. Rows correspond to observations, columns to variables. \item A \code{data.frame}, when \code{f} is \emph{not} missing (s. below). \item An object of class \code{ExpressionSet}. } } \item{y}{Class labels. Can be one of the following: \itemize{ \item A \code{numeric} vector. \item A \code{factor}. \item A \code{character} if \code{X} is an \code{ExpressionSet} that specifies the phenotype variable. \item \code{missing}, if \code{X} is a \code{data.frame} and a proper formula \code{f} is provided. } \bold{WARNING}: The class labels will be re-coded to range from \code{0} to \code{K-1}, where \code{K} is the total number of different classes in the learning set. } \item{f}{A two-sided formula, if \code{X} is a \code{data.frame}. The left part correspond to class labels, the right to variables.} \item{learnind}{An index vector specifying the observations that belong to the learning set. May be \code{missing}; in that case, the learning set consists of all observations and predictions are made on the learning set.} \item{models}{a logical value indicating whether the model object shall be returned } \item{\dots}{Currently unused argument.} } \note{As opposed to linear or quadratic discriminant analysis, variable selection is not strictly necessary.} \value{An object of class \code{\link{cloutput}}.} \references{McLachlan, G.J. (1992). Discriminant Analysis and Statistical Pattern Recognition. \emph{Wiley, New York}} \author{Martin Slawski \email{ms@cs.uni-sb.de} Anne-Laure Boulesteix \email{boulesteix@ibe.med.uni-muenchen.de}} \seealso{\code{\link{compBoostCMA}}, \code{\link{ElasticNetCMA}}, \code{\link{fdaCMA}}, \code{\link{flexdaCMA}}, \code{\link{gbmCMA}}, \code{\link{knnCMA}}, \code{\link{ldaCMA}}, \code{\link{LassoCMA}}, \code{\link{nnetCMA}}, \code{\link{pknnCMA}}, \code{\link{plrCMA}}, \code{\link{pls_ldaCMA}}, \code{\link{pls_lrCMA}}, \code{\link{pls_rfCMA}}, \code{\link{pnnCMA}}, \code{\link{qdaCMA}}, \code{\link{rfCMA}}, \code{\link{scdaCMA}}, \code{\link{shrinkldaCMA}}, \code{\link{svmCMA}}} \examples{ ### load Golub AML/ALL data data(golub) ### extract class labels golubY <- golub[,1] ### extract gene expression golubX <- as.matrix(golub[,-1]) ### select learningset ratio <- 2/3 set.seed(111) learnind <- sample(length(golubY), size=floor(ratio*length(golubY))) ### run DLDA dldaresult <- dldaCMA(X=golubX, y=golubY, learnind=learnind) ### show results show(dldaresult) ftable(dldaresult) plot(dldaresult) ### multiclass example: ### load Khan data data(khan) ### extract class labels khanY <- khan[,1] ### extract gene expression khanX <- as.matrix(khan[,-1]) ### select learningset set.seed(111) learnind <- sample(length(khanY), size=floor(ratio*length(khanY))) ### run LDA ldaresult <- dldaCMA(X=khanX, y=khanY, learnind=learnind) ### show results show(dldaresult) ftable(dldaresult) plot(dldaresult) } \keyword{multivariate}