\name{Leukemia} \docType{data} \alias{Leukemia} \title{ Array CGH experiment data on childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in humans. } \description{ A dataframe containing 30180 rows and 10 columns, representing the array CGH data of 3 ALL samples. } \usage{Leukemia} \format{ A dataframe containing the following 10 columns: \describe{ \item{CloneID}{The unique identifiers of array elements.} \item{Chromosome}{Chromosome number of each array element.} \item{Start}{Chromosomal start position in bp of each array element.} \item{End}{Chromosomal end position in bp of each array element.} \item{Case1.test}{Background corrected test intensity values for sample 1.} \item{Case1.ref}{Background corrected reference intensity values for sample 1.} \item{Case2.test}{Background corrected test intensity values for sample 2.} \item{Case2.ref}{Background corrected reference intensity values for sample 2.} \item{Case3.test}{Background corrected test intensity values for sample 3.} \item{Case3.ref}{Background corrected reference intensity values for sample 3.} } } \source{Provided by the authors (see references).} \references{ Paulsson K, Heidenblad M, Morse H, Borg A, Fioretos T, Johansson B: Identication of cryptic aberrations and characterization of translocation breakpoints using array CGH in high hyperdiploid childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Leukemia 2006, 20:2002-2007. } \keyword{datasets}