\name{subsetting} \alias{[.RGList_CALIB} \alias{[.SpikeList} \alias{[.ParameterList} \title{Subset of RGList\_CALIB, SpikeList or ParameterList object} \description{ Exact a subset of an RGList\_CALIB, SpikeList or ParameterList object. } \usage{ \method{[}{RGList_CALIB}(object, i, j, \ldots) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ an object of class \code{RGList_CALIB} or \code{SpikeList}.} \item{i,j}{subscripts. \code{i} is the subscripts of the spots and \code{j} is the subscripts of the arrays.} \item{\ldots}{not used} } \details{ \code{i},\code{j} may take any values acceptable for the matrix components of \code{object}. } \value{ An object of the same class as \code{object} containing the data with specified subset of spots and arrays. } \references{ \code{\link[limma]{subsetting}} in limma package} \author{ Hui Zhao} \seealso{ \code{\link[limma]{subsetting}} in the limma package } \examples{ # for RGList_CALIB R <- G <- matrix(1:8,4,2) rownames(R) <- rownames(G) <- c("g1","g2","g3","g4") colnames(R) <- colnames(G) <- c("a1","a2") RG <- new("RGList_CALIB",list(R=R,G=G)) RG[1:2,] RG[,1:2] RG[1:2,1:2] } \keyword{ array }