\name{RGList_CALIB-class} \docType{class} \alias{RGList_CALIB-class} \alias{show,RGList_CALIB-method} \alias{coerce,RGList_CALIB,exprSet2-method} \title{Red, Green Intensity List - Class } \description{ A simple list-based class for storing red and green channel foreground and background intensities for a batch of spotted microarrays. It is a extension of the RGList in the LIMMA package.} \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("RGList_CALIB", RG)}, where RG is a list. In the CALIB package, RGList\_CALIB objects are normally generated by \code{read.rg}. } \section{List Components}{ objects should contain the following list components: \describe{ \item{\code{R}:}{ numeric matrix containing the red(Cy5) foreground intensities. Rows correspond to spots and columns to arrays.} \item{\code{G}:}{ numeric matrix containing the green(Cy3) foreground intensities.} \item{\code{Rb}:}{ numeric matrix containing the red(Cy5) background intensities.} \item{\code{Gb}:}{ numeric matrix containing the green(Cy3) background intensities.} \item{\code{RArea}:}{ numeric matrix containing the red(Cy5) spot areas.} \item{\code{GArea}:}{ numeric matrix containing the green(Cy3) spot areas.} } Optional components include: \describe{ \item{\code{weights}:}{ numeric matrix containing relative spot quality weights. Should be non-negative.} \item{\code{printer}:}{ list containing information on the process used to print the spots on the arrays. See \code{\link[CALIB:read.rg]{read.rg}}.} \item{\code{genes}:}{ data.frame containing information on the genes spotted on the arrays. Should include a character column Name containing names for the genes or controls.} \item{\code{targets}:}{ data.frame containing information on the target RNA samples. Should include factor or character columns Cy3 and Cy5 specifying which RNA was hybridized to each array.} \item{\code{other}:}{ list containing numeric matrices of other spot-specific information.} } All of the matrices should have the same dimensions. The row dimension of targets should match the column dimension of the matrices. } \section{Extends}{ Class \code{"list"}, from data part. Class \code{"LargeDataObject"}, directly. Class \code{"vector"}, by class \code{"list"}. } \section{Methods}{ This class inherits directly from class List so any operation appropriate for lists will work on objects of this class. In addition, RGList\_CALIB objects can be \code{\link[CALIB:subsetting]{subsetted}}, \code{\link[CALIB:cbind]{combined}} and \code{\link[CALIB]{merge}}. RGList\_CALIB objects will return dimensions and hence functions such as \code{\link[CALIB:dim]{dim}}, \code{\link[CALIB:dimnames]{dimnames}}, \code{\link[base:nrow]{nrow}} and \code{\link[base:nrow]{ncol}} are defined. RGList\_CALIB also inherit a \code{\link[methods]{show}} method from the virtual class \code{\link[limma:LargeDataObject]{LagerDataObject}}, which means that RGList\_CALIB objects will print in a compact way. In the CALIB package, RGList\_CALIB objects are mainly for storing microarray data and they are used to pass microarray data into functions such as \code{\link[CALIB]{estimateParameter}} or \code{\link[CALIB]{normalizeData}}. } \references{ \code{RGList} in the limma package} \author{ Hui Zhao} \seealso{ \code{\link[limma:rglist]{RGList}} and \code{\link[limma]{LargeDataObject}} in limma packge. } \keyword{classes}