\name{pid} \alias{pid} \alias{pid,PairwiseAlignedXStringSet-method} \title{Percent Sequence Identity} \description{ Calculates the percent sequence identity for a pairwise sequence alignment. } \usage{ pid(x, type="PID1") } \arguments{ \item{x}{a \code{\link{PairwiseAlignedXStringSet}} object.} \item{type}{one of percent sequence identity. One of \code{"PID1"}, \code{"PID2"}, \code{"PID3"}, and \code{"PID4"}. See Details for more information.} } \details{ Since there is no universal definition of percent sequence identity, the \code{pid} function calculates this statistic in the following types: \describe{ \item{\code{"PID1"}:}{ 100 * (identical positions) / (aligned positions + internal gap positions) } \item{\code{"PID2"}:}{ 100 * (identical positions) / (aligned positions) } \item{\code{"PID3"}:}{ 100 * (identical positions) / (length shorter sequence) } \item{\code{"PID4"}:}{ 100 * (identical positions) / (average length of the two sequences) } } } \value{ A numeric vector containing the specified sequence identity measures. } \references{ A. May, Percent Sequence Identity: The Need to Be Explicit, Structure 2004, 12(5):737. G. Raghava and G. Barton, Quantification of the variation in percentage identity for protein sequence alignments, BMC Bioinformatics 2006, 7:415. } \author{P. Aboyoun} \seealso{ \link{pairwiseAlignment}, \link{PairwiseAlignedXStringSet-class}, \link{match-utils} } \examples{ s1 <- DNAString("AGTATAGATGATAGAT") s2 <- DNAString("AGTAGATAGATGGATGATAGATA") palign1 <- pairwiseAlignment(s1, s2) palign1 pid(palign1) palign2 <- pairwiseAlignment(s1, s2, substitutionMatrix = nucleotideSubstitutionMatrix(match = 2, mismatch = 10, baseOnly = TRUE)) palign2 pid(palign2, type = "PID4") } \keyword{methods}