\name{matchprobes} \alias{matchprobes} \title{A function to match a query sequence to the sequences of a set of probes.} \description{ The \code{query} sequence, a character string (probably representing a transcript of interest), is scanned for the presence of exact matches to the sequences in the character vector \code{records}. The indices of the set of matches are returned. The function is inefficient: it works on R's character vectors, and the actual matching algorithm is of time complexity \code{length(query)} times \code{length(records)}! See \code{\link{matchPattern}}, \code{\link{vmatchPattern}} and \code{\link{matchPDict}} for more efficient sequence matching functions. } \usage{ matchprobes(query, records, probepos=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{query}{A character vector. For example, each element may represent a gene (transcript) of interest. See Details.} \item{records}{A character vector. For example, each element may represent the probes on a DNA array.} \item{probepos}{A logical value. If TRUE, return also the start positions of the matches in the query sequence.} } \details{ \code{\link{toupper}} is applied to the arguments \code{query} and \code{records} before matching. The intention of this is to make the matching case-insensitive. The function is embarrassingly naive. The matching is done using the C library function \code{strstr}. } \value{ A list. Its first element is a list of the same length as the input vector. Each element of the list is a numeric vector containing the indices of the probes that have a perfect match in the query sequence. If \code{probepos} is TRUE, the returned list has a second element: it is of the same shape as described above, and gives the respective positions of the matches. } \author{R. Gentleman, Laurent Gautier, Wolfgang Huber} \seealso{\code{\link{matchPattern}}, \code{\link{vmatchPattern}}, \code{\link{matchPDict}}} \examples{ if(require("hgu95av2probe")){ data("hgu95av2probe") seq <- hgu95av2probe$sequence[1:20] target <- paste(seq, collapse="") matchprobes(target, seq, probepos=TRUE) } } \keyword{manip}