\name{yeastSEQCHR1} \alias{yeastSEQCHR1} \title{An annotation data file for CHR1 in the yeastSEQ package} \description{ This is a single character string containing DNA sequence of yeast chromosome number 1. The data were obtained from the Saccharomyces Genome Database(url{ftp://genome-ftp.stanford.edu/pub/yeast/data\_download/sequence/genomic\_sequence/chromosomes/fasta/}). } \details{ Annotation based on data provided by Yeast Genome project. Source data built:Yeast Genome data are built at various time intervals. Sources used were downloaded Fri Nov 21 14:00:47 2003 Package built: Fri Nov 21 14:00:47 2003 } \references{ \url{http://www.yeastgenome.org/DownloadContents.shtml} } \examples{ data(yeastSEQCHR1) nchar(yeastSEQCHR1) } \keyword{datasets}