\name{DNASuffixArray} \alias{DNASuffixArray} \title{ function to create a suffix array for a DNA string } \description{ This function creates a suffix array for the given DNA strings. The sorting of the suffix array can be done based on a given number of letters at the beginning of each suffix. } \usage{ DNASuffixArray(x, prefixLength = max(nchar(x))) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ an object of class "BioString" representing one or more DNA strings. If its length is more than one, suffix arrays for each of the string are created and merged. } \item{prefixLength}{ the number of letters at the beginning of each suffix that are used in sorting the suffix array. } } \value{ An object of class "BioString", with the suffixes from the argument sorted in increasing order. For the purpose of sorting, each string is assumed to be padded at the end with a letter lower in order than any letter in the alphabet of the string. } \references{ } \author{ Saikat DebRoy } \seealso{ \code{\link{sortDNAString}} for sorting the strings in an object of class "BioString". } \examples{ data('yeastSEQCHR1') yeast1 <- DNAString(yeastSEQCHR1) DNASuffixArray(substr(yeast1, 1, 30)) x <- substring(yeast1, c(1, 16), c(15, 30)) x DNASuffixArray(x) } \keyword{ utilities }