\name{DNAAlphabet} \alias{DNAAlphabet} \alias{RNAAlphabet} \title{ functions to create DNA and RNA alphabets } \description{ The function \code{DNAAlphabet} returns an alphabet consisting of the letters \sQuote{A}, \sQuote{C}, \sQuote{G}, \sQuote{T} and \sQuote{-} (the last representing a gap). The function \code{RNAAlphabet} returns an alphabet consisting of the letters \sQuote{A}, \sQuote{C}, \sQuote{G}, \sQuote{U} and \sQuote{-} (the last representing a gap). } \usage{ DNAAlphabet() RNAAlphabet() } \value{ An object of class "NucleotideAlphabet". See \code{\link{NucleotideAlphabet-class}} for details. } \author{ Saikat DebRoy } \seealso{ \code{\link{DNAPatternAlphabet}} and \code{\link{RNAPatternAlphabet}} return alphabets for standrad patterns used in DNA and RNA sequences. } \examples{ DNAAlphabet() RNAAlphabet() } \keyword{classes}