\name{requiredPackages} \alias{requiredPackages} \title{check for missing and outdated packages} \description{ Both functions compare the \code{Depends} field of the \code{DESCRIPTION} of the \code{BiocCaseStudies} package. \code{requiredPackages} is run before a build of the book. It throws an error if there are any missing or outdated packages. \code{packages2install} returns a character vector of packages that need (re)installing. } \usage{ requiredPackages(load=FALSE) packages2install() } \arguments{ \item{load}{Logical. Should all packages be loaded?} } \value{ \code{requiredPackages} returns \code{invisible(NULL)}. The function is called for its side effects. \code{packages2install} returns a character vector that can be passed to the \code{biocLite} function from the \code{biocLite.R} script. } \author{Florian Hahne} \examples{ \dontrun{ biocLite(packages2install()) } } \keyword{misc}