\name{strbreak} \alias{strbreak} \title{Break Character Strings to Fit Width} \description{ Inserts line breaks (\code{collapse}) into input character strings. The main intention of this function is to prepare long strings for printing, so the output is not wider than \code{width}. } \usage{ strbreak(x, width=getOption("width"), exdent=2, collapse="\n") } \arguments{ \item{x}{a character vector} \item{width}{a positive integer giving the width of the output.} \item{exdent}{a positive integer specifying the indentation of subsequent lines after the first line.} \item{collapse}{a character. This is inserted to break lines.} } \author{Wolfgang Huber \url{http://www.ebi.ac.uk/huber}} \seealso{\code{\link{strwrap}}, \code{\link{substring}}} \examples{ longString = paste(rep(LETTERS, 10), collapse="", sep="") cat(strbreak(longString)) } \keyword{character}