\name{read.MIAME} \alias{read.MIAME} \title{ Read MIAME Information into an Instance of Class 'MIAME' } \description{ Reads MIAME information from a file or using a widget. } \usage{ read.MIAME(filename = NULL, widget = getOption("BioC")$Base$use.widgets, ...) } \arguments{ \item{filename}{Filename from which to read MIAME information.} \item{widget}{Logical. If \code{TRUE} and a filename is not given, a widget is used to enter information.} \item{\dots}{Further arguments to \code{scan}.} } \details{ Notice that the \code{\link{MIAME}} class tries to cover the MIAME entries that are not covered by other classes in Bioconductor. Namely, experimental design, samples, hybridizations, normalization controls, and pre-processing information. The function \code{\link{scan}} is used to read. The file must be a flat file with the different entries for the instance of MIAME class separated by carriage returns. The order should be: name, lab, contact, title, abstract, and url. Alternatively a widget can be used. } \value{An object of class \code{\link{MIAME}}.} \author{Rafael Irizarry } \seealso{\code{\link{MIAME}},\code{\link[tkWidgets]{tkMIAME}} } \examples{ miame <- read.MIAME(widget=FALSE) ##creates an empty instance show(miame) } \keyword{file}