\name{openVignette} \alias{openVignette} \title{ Open a Vignette or Show Vignette Selection Menu} \description{ Using the data returned by \code{vignette} this function provides a simple easy to use interface for opening vignettes. } \usage{ openVignette(package=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{package}{character string indicating the package to be used.} } \details{ If \code{package} is NULL then all packages are scanned for vignettes. The list of vignettes is presented to the user via the \code{menu} command. The user may select one of the vignettes to be opened in a PDF viewer. } \value{ No value is returned; this function is run entirely for the side effect of opening the pdf document in the PDF viewer. } \author{R. Gentleman } \seealso{\code{\link{vignette}}, \code{\link{openPDF}}, \code{\link{menu}}, \code{\link{getPkgVigs}}} \examples{ if( interactive() ) openVignette("Biobase") } \keyword{ utilities }