\name{isVersioned} \alias{isVersioned} \alias{isVersioned,ANY-method} \alias{isVersioned,character-method} \title{Determine whether object or class contains versioning information} \description{ This generic function checks to see whether \code{\link{Versioned-class}} information is present. When the argument to \code{isVersioned} is a character string, the prototype of the class corresponding to the string is consulted. By default, \code{isVersioned} has the following behaviors: \describe{ \item{\code{isVersioned(Versioned-instance)}}{Returns \code{TRUE} when the instance have version information.} \item{\code{isCurrent("class-name")}}{Returns \code{TRUE} when the named class extends \code{\link{Versioned-class}}.} \item{\code{isVersioned(ANY)}}{Returns \code{FALSE}} } } \usage{ isVersioned(object) } \arguments{ \item{object}{Object or class name to check for version information, as described above.} } \value{ \code{isVersioned} returns a logical indicating whether version information is present. } \author{Biocore team} \seealso{\code{\link{Versions-class}}} \examples{ obj <- new("VersionedBiobase") isVersioned(obj) isVersioned(1:10) # FALSE setClass("A", contains="VersionedBiobase", prototype=prototype(new("VersionedBiobase", versions=c(A="1.0.0")))) a <- new("A") isVersioned(a) removeClass("A") } \keyword{manip}