\name{data:sample.ExpressionSet} \alias{data:sample.ExpressionSet} \alias{sample.ExpressionSet} \docType{data} \title{Dataset of class 'ExpressionSet'} \usage{data(sample.ExpressionSet)} \format{ The data for 26 cases, labeled A to Z and 500 genes. Each case has three covariates: sex (male/female); type (case/control); and score (testing score). } \description{ The expression data are real but anonymized. The data are from an experiment that used Affymetrix U95v2 chips. The data were processed by dChip and then exported to R for analysis. The data illustrate \code{\link{ExpressionSet-class}}, with \code{assayData} containing the required matrix element \code{exprs} and an additional matrix \code{se.exprs}. \code{se.exprs} has the same dimensions as \code{exprs}. The phenoData and standard error estimates (se.exprs) are made up. The information in the "description" slot is fake. } \examples{ data(sample.ExpressionSet) } \keyword{datasets}