\name{reporter} \alias{data:reporter} \alias{reporter} \docType{data} \title{Example data.frame representing reporter information} \description{ The \code{reporter} object is a 500 by 1 data frame. The rows represent the 500 probe IDs in the \code{geneData} data. The values in \code{reporter} are the predefined probe types for the probes. \code{reporter} is used in conjunction with the \code{geneData} object and its associates. } \usage{data(reporter)} \format{ A 500 by 1 data frame } \details{ There are 10 predefined probe types: \itemize{ \item{\code{AFFX-}}{Quality Control (QC)} \item{\code{_f_}}{SequenceFamily} \item{\code{_g_}}{CommonGroups} \item{\code{_s_}}{SimilarityConstraint} \item{\code{_r_}}{RulesDropped} \item{\code{_i_}}{Incomplete} \item{\code{_b_}}{AmbiguousProbeSet} \item{\code{_l_}}{LongProbeSet} \item{\code{_at}}{AntiSenseTarget} \item{\code{_st}}{SenseTarget} } } \source{ Affymetrix GeneChip Expression Analysis Data Analysis Fundamentals (\url{http://www.affymetrix.com/Auth/support/downloads/manuals/data_analysis_fundamentals_manual.pdf}) } \examples{ data(reporter) ## maybe str(reporter) ; plot(reporter) ... } \keyword{datasets}