\name{contents} \alias{contents} \title{Function to retrieve contents of environments} \description{ The contents method is used to retrieve the values stored in an environment. } \usage{ contents(object, all.names) } \arguments{ \item{object}{The environment (data table) that you want to get all contents from} \item{all.names}{a logical indicating whether to copy all values in \code{as.list.environment}} } \value{ A named list is returned, where the elements are the objects stored in the environment. The names of the elements are the names of the objects. The \code{all.names} argument is identical to the one used in \code{as.list.environment}. } \author{R. Gentleman} \seealso{\code{\link{as.list.environment}}} \examples{ z <- new.env() multiassign(letters, 1:26, envir=z) contents(z) } \keyword{manip}