\name{raw.output} \docType{data} \alias{raw.output} \title{Example raw.output object} \description{ This data set is an example of the output obtained from the bayespeak() function, in particular as an example of job parameters. The ChIP-seq experiment in question investigates ER binding in cells from the MCF7 cell line. To keep the size of BayesPeak down, raw.output$peaks has been truncated - only the peaks on chromosome 16 are given. raw.output$QC has not been truncated in any way. } \usage{raw.output} \format{A list of 3 objects. See \code{\link{bayespeak}} for more details.} %%\source{FIXME} \references{ Many thanks to Dr. Jason Carroll's group for permission to use this data set. } \keyword{datasets}