\name{pred.network} \alias{pred.network} \title{Predict the network} \description{ To predict the matrix of gene network, based on the similarity matrix and filtered according to a corrected p-value matrix. } \usage{pred.network(pM,similarity,thresh) } \arguments{ \item{pM}{A corrected p-value matrix, a MxM matrix for significance of similarity among M genes.} \item{similarity}{A MxM matrix for similarity between genes.} \item{thresh}{Threshold for significance of the p-value.} } \value{ A MxM matrix of the predicted network, where cell emph{ij} infers a link between gene i and j and set 0 when the p-value is not significant (no link). } \author{Yin Jin, Hesen Peng, Lei Wang, Raffaele Fronza, Yuanhua Liu and Christine Nardini} \examples{ data(copasi) mat<-as.matrix(copasi[1:10,]) rownames(mat)<-paste("G",1:nrow(mat), sep="") similarity=gene.similarity(mat,measure="MI",net.trim="mrnet") pM=gene.pvalue(mat,measure="MI",net.trim="mrnet")$single.perm.p.value pred.network(pM,similarity,thresh=0.05) } \keyword{arith}