\name{gene.trait.pvalue} \alias{gene.trait.pvalue} \title{ Calculate p-value for gene-trait interaction } \description{ To calculate p-value for null hypothesis that there is no interaction between gene and trait. There are MxT interactions between M genes and T traits. Results are given with 3 possibilities 1 for single p-value, and 3 for different types of correction. p-values are calculated based on the adjacency matrix for gene-gene interaction computed by function \emph{gene.trait.similarity}. } \usage{ gene.trait.pvalue(EXP, trait, measure, method.permut = 2, n.replica = 400) } \arguments{ \item{EXP}{Gene expression data in form of a matrix. Row stands for genes and column for experiments.} \item{trait}{Trait data in form of matrix. Row stands for traits and column for experiments. } \item{measure}{Metric used to calculate similarity: "corr" for correlation, "MI" for mutual information.} \item{method.permut}{A flag to indicate correction style when multiple hypotheses testing is considered. 1 for multiple traits correction, 2 for multiple genes and 3 for both genes and traits correction. The default value is 2.} \item{n.replica}{Number of permutations for the correction of multiple hypothesis testing; default value is 400.} } \value{ \item{single.perm.p.value}{A matrix of single p-values obtained with permutation method + beta distribution for extreme values (for MI) or obtained with the exact distribution computed directly by \emph{cor.test} (for correlation)} \item{multi.perm.p.value}{A matrix of corrected p-values obtained with permutation method} } \details{ According to a permutation method, we use the empirical distribution of some statistics to estimate the p-value. For single p-value the empirical distribution is a vector of P (number of random replicates for each test) test values. It is then possible to correct p-value in different ways: method.permut = 1, it is the empirical distribution of a vector with length of TxP, corrects for the multiple traits tested; method.permut = 2, it is the empirical distribution of a vector with length of MxP, corrects for the multiple genes tested; method.permut = 3, it is empirical distribution of a vector with length of MxTxP, corrects for the multiple traits and genes tested. } \author{ Yin Jin, Hesen Peng, Lei Wang, Raffaele Fronza, Yuanhua Liu and Christine Nardini } \seealso{ \code{\link{gene.trait.similarity}}} \examples{ data(tumors.mRNA) data(tumors.miRNA) exp<-tumors.mRNA trait<-tumors.miRNA gene.trait.pvalue(EXP=exp[1:10,],trait=trait[1:5,],measure="MI") } \keyword{htest}