\name{BUS-package} \alias{BUS-package} \docType{package} \title{For network reconstruction.} \description{ This package can be used to compute associations among genes (gene-networks) or between genes and some external traits (i.e. clinical). [Function: BUS] Both associations can be computed via correlation or mutual information (MI). [Functions: gene.similarity (gene-gene associations) and gene.trait.similarity (gene-trait associations)] Statistical significance of the association is computed for single and multiple hypotheses testing, using random permutations method [Functions: gene.pvalue, gene.trait.pvalue] The package can handle data with missing values using bootstrapping methods to fill NAs. [Arguments: na.replica] } \details{ \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab BUS \cr Type: \tab Package\cr Version: \tab 1.0.2\cr Date: \tab 2009-10-31\cr License: \tab GPL-3\cr } } \author{ Yin Jin, Hesen Peng, Lei Wang, Raffaele Fronza, Yuanhua Liu and Christine Nardini Maintainer: Yuanhua Liu } \keyword{ multivariate }