\name{bcrank} \docType{methods} \alias{bcrank} \title{BCRANK: predicting binding site consensus from ranked DNA sequences} \description{ This function implements an algorithm for detection of short DNA sequences that are overrepresented in some part of the list. Starting from some initial consensus DNA sequence coded in IUPAC symbols, the method uses a heuristic search to improve the consensus until a local optimum is found. Individual predicted binding sites can be reported by the function \code{\link{matchingSites}}. } \usage{ bcrank(fafile, startguesses=c(), restarts=10, length=10, reorderings=500, silent=FALSE, plot.progress=FALSE, do.search=TRUE, use.P1=FALSE, use.P2=TRUE, strip.desc=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{fafile}{a ranked fasta file containing DNA sequences.} \item{startguesses}{a character vector with consensus sequences in IUPAC coding to be used as starting sequences in the search. If empty, random start guesses will be generated.} \item{restarts}{number restarts of the algorithm when using random start guesses.} \item{length}{legth of random start guess.} \item{reorderings}{number of random reorderings of the DNA sequences performed when calculating score.} \item{silent}{reports progress status if FALSE. } \item{plot.progress}{if TRUE, the progress is displayed in a plot.} \item{do.search}{if FALSE, no search is performed. In that case the start guesses are assigned with scores and reported as results.} \item{use.P1}{Use penalty for bases other than A,C,G,T.} \item{use.P2}{Use penalty for motifs matching repetitive sequences.} \item{strip.desc}{An argument used by the function \code{\link[Biostrings:readFASTA]{readFASTA()}}. It specifies whether or not the ">" marking at the beginning of description lines should be removed.} } \value{ The method returns an objcet of class \code{\link[BCRANK:BCRANKresult-class]{BCRANKresult-class}}. } \author{Adam Ameur, \email{adam.ameur@genpat.uu.se}} \seealso{ \code{\link{matchingSites}}, \code{\link[BCRANK:BCRANKresult-class]{BCRANKresult-class}} } \examples{ ## Load example fasta file fastaFile <- system.file("Exfiles/USF1_small.fa", package = "BCRANK") ## Run BCRANK \dontrun{BCRANKout <- bcrank(fastaFile, restarts=20)} \dontshow{data(BCRANKout)} ## Show BCRANK results toptable(BCRANKout) ## The top scoring result topMotif <- toptable(BCRANKout,1) ## Plot BCRANK search path plot(topMotif) ## Position Weight Matrix pwm(topMotif, normalize=FALSE) } \references{ Ameur, A., Rada-Iglesias, A., Komorowski, J., Wadelius, C. Identification of candidate regulatory SNPs by combination of transcription factor binding site prediction, SNP genotyping and haploChIP. Nucleic Acids Res, 2009, 37(12):e85. } \keyword{methods}