\name{BCRANKsearch-class} \docType{class} \alias{BCRANKsearch-class} \alias{BCRANKsearch} \alias{searchPath} \alias{pwm} \alias{plot,BCRANKsearch,missing-method} \title{Class "BCRANKsearch"} \description{Holds the whole search path from a single \code{\link[BCRANK:bcrank]{bcrank}} run. Each individual search step is stored in a \code{\link[BCRANK:BCRANKmatch-class]{BCRANKmatch-class}} object. Several objects of this class are collected in a \code{\link[BCRANK:BCRANKresult-class]{BCRANKresult-class}} object} \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects are not intended to be created directly but as a result from running \code{\link[BCRANK:bcrank]{bcrank}}. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{searchPath}:}{a collection of \code{BCRANKmatch-class} objects, ontaining all bcrank search steps from a start guess to a locally optimal solution.} \item{\code{final}:}{a \code{BCRANKmatch-class} object for the highest scoring consensus sequence (locally optimal solution) in this bcrank run.} \item{\code{finalPWM}:}{position weight matrix for the highest scoring consensus sequence.} \item{\code{finalNrMatch}:}{number of occurrences of the final consensus sequence in the fasta input file.} \item{\code{nrIterations}:}{number of iterations required to move from the start guess to the final soloution in this bcrank run.} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{searchPath}{\code{signature(object = "BCRANKsearch", i=NULL)}: If \code{i} is NULL, returns a data frame containing consensus and score for the whole search path. Otherwise, the i'th \code{BCRANKmatch-class} object in the search path is returned.} \item{pwm}{\code{signature(object = "BCRANKsearch", normalize=TRUE)}: Returns the position weight matrix (pwm) for the highest scoring consensus in this bcrank run. Matrix positions are between between 0 and 1 when \code{normalize} is TRUE. When FALSE, the number of matching sequences is reported.} \item{plot}{\code{signature(x = "BCRANKsearch", y = "missing")}: A plot method for the searchPath.} } } \author{Adam Ameur, \email{adam.ameur@genpat.uu.se}} \seealso{ \code{\link[BCRANK:bcrank]{bcrank}}, \code{\link[BCRANK:BCRANKmatch-class]{BCRANKmatch-class}}, \code{\link[BCRANK:BCRANKresult-class]{BCRANKresult-class}} } \keyword{classes}