\name{BCRANKmatch-class} \docType{class} \alias{BCRANKmatch-class} \alias{BCRANKmatch} \alias{consensus} \alias{bcrankScore} \alias{matchVector} \title{Class "BCRANKmatch"} \description{Holds the \code{\link[BCRANK:bcrank]{bcrank}} score for one IUPAC consensus sequence. Several objects of this class are collected in a \code{\link[BCRANK:BCRANKsearch-class]{BCRANKsearch-class}} object} \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects are not intended to be created directly but as a result from running \code{\link[BCRANK:bcrank]{bcrank}}. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{consensus}:}{consensus sequence in IUPAC coding} \item{\code{bcrankScore}:}{bcrank score for the consensus} \item{\code{matchVec}:}{vector with 0's (no match) and 1's (match) of same length as the ranked DNA sequences} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{consensus}{\code{signature(object = "BCRANKmatch")}: Returns the consensus sequence.} \item{bcrankScore}{\code{signature(object = "BCRANKmatch")}: Returns the bcrank score.} \item{matchVector}{\code{signature(object = "BCRANKmatch")}: Returns a vector with 0's (no match) and 1's (match) of same length and order as the ranked DNA sequences.} } } \author{Adam Ameur, \email{adam.ameur@genpat.uu.se}} \seealso{ \code{\link[BCRANK:bcrank]{bcrank}}, \code{\link[BCRANK:BCRANKsearch-class]{BCRANKsearch-class}} } \keyword{classes}