\name{regress} \alias{regress} \title{Run regression to fit genewise linear model} \description{ Fit genewise linear model using LIMMA package, ordinary linear regression, or permutation method. } \usage{ regress(object, contrast, method = c("limma", "regression", "permutation"), adj = "none", permute.time = 1000) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{object}{an ExpressionSet} \item{contrast}{a contrastMatrix } \item{method}{choose the follwoing three options: "limma" (LIMMA), "regression" (ordinary linear regression), "permutation" (permutation test)} \item{adj}{adjustment method for multiple comparison test, including "holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", "none". The default value is "none". Type help(p.adjust) for more detail.} \item{permute.time}{number of permutation times, only used for the "permutation" method} } \value{ an object of \code{regressResult} } \author{Xiwei Wu, Arthur Li} \examples{ data(eSetExample) design<- new("designMatrix", target=pData(eSetExample), covariates = "Treatment") contrast<- new("contrastMatrix", design.matrix = design, compare1 = "Treated", compare2 = "Control") result<- regress(eSetExample, contrast) }