\name{preProcessGeneST} \alias{preProcessGeneST} \title{Proprocess genechip ST array} \description{ Proprocess genechip ST array by taking the log2 of the expression value. } \usage{ preProcessGeneST(object, offset = 1, rmControl = TRUE, output = FALSE, mydir = getwd()) } \arguments{ \item{object}{an \code{ExpressionSet}.} \item{offset}{The \code{offset} is added to the expression value to avoid log2(0) = -Inf.} \item{rmControl}{Setting \code{rmControl = TRUE} to remove control probes.} \item{output}{If \code{output = TRUE}, it will output the preprocessed data in the specified direcotry from the \code{mydir} argument.} \item{mydir}{specifed directory to contain the output} } \value{ an \code{ExpressionSet} } \author{Xiwei Wu, Arthur Li} \examples{ data(eSetExample) processedData <- preProcessGeneST(eSetExample) }