\name{Output2HTML} \alias{Output2HTML} \title{Creating HTML file for regressResult or interactionResult class} \description{ Creating HTML file for regressResult or interactionResult class } \usage{ Output2HTML(object, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{an regressResult or interactionResult class} \item{\dots}{you can specify the directory to store the result by using the \code{mydir} argument. The default value of \code{mydir} is the current working directory} } \value{ creating an HTML file } \author{Xiwei Wu, Arthur Li} \examples{ data(eSetExample) design<- new("designMatrix", target=pData(eSetExample), covariates = "Treatment") contrast<- new("contrastMatrix", design.matrix = design, compare1 = "Treated", compare2 = "Control") result<- regress(eSetExample, contrast) sigResult<- selectSigGene(result, fc.value=log2(2)) \dontrun{Output2HTML(sigResult)} }