\name{procset} \alias{procset} \docType{data} \title{ Convert processed MAGE-TAB files into a Bioconductor object} \description{ \code{procset} converts local MAGE-TAB files into an \code{\link[Biobase:class.ExpressionSet]{ExpressionSet}}. } \usage{ procset(files, procol) } \arguments{ \item{files}{ is the list with the names of the processed, the sdrf, the adf and the idf files and the path of the data as given by \code{\link[ArrayExpress]{getAE}}. } \item{procol}{ the name of the column to be extracted from the file. Obtained using \code{\link[ArrayExpress]{getcolproc}}.} } \seealso{\code{\link[ArrayExpress]{queryAE}}, \code{\link[ArrayExpress]{getAE}}, \code{\link[ArrayExpress]{getcolproc}}} \author{ Audrey Kauffmann Maintainer: } \examples{ # An example can be found in the help of the getAE function. } \keyword{datasets}