\name{getcolproc} \alias{getcolproc} \docType{data} \title{ Return the possible column names from processed MAGE-TAB files } \description{ \code{getcolproc} extracts the column names from processed MAGE-TAB and return them. The output is needed to call the function \code{procset}. } \usage{ getcolproc(files) } \arguments{ \item{files}{ A list as given from \code{\link[ArrayExpress]{getAE}} function. Containing the following elements: \describe{ \item{procfile}{procfile is the name of the processed MAGE-TAB file to be read.} \item{path}{is the name of the directory where to find this file.} } } } \seealso{\code{\link[ArrayExpress]{ArrayExpress}}, \code{\link[ArrayExpress]{queryAE}}, \code{\link[ArrayExpress]{getAE}}, \code{\link[ArrayExpress]{procset}}} \author{ Audrey Kauffmann Maintainer: } %\examples{ %# An example can be found in the help of the getAE function. %} \keyword{datasets}