\name{getAE} \alias{getAE} \docType{data} \title{ Download MAGE-TAB files from ArrayExpress in a specified directory } \description{ \code{getAE} downloads and extracts the MAGE-TAB files from an ArrayExpress dataset. } \usage{ getAE(input, path = getwd(), type = "full", extract = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{input}{ is an ArrayExpress identifier. } \item{path}{ is the name of the directory in which the files downloaded on the ArrayExpress repository will be extracted.} \item{type}{ can be 'raw' to download and extract only the raw data, 'processed' to download and extract only the processed data or 'full' to have both raw and processed data.} \item{extract}{ if FALSE, the files are not extracted from the zip archive.} } \value{ \code{ A list with the names of the files that have been downloaded and extracted. } } \seealso{\code{\link[ArrayExpress]{ArrayExpress}}, \code{\link[ArrayExpress]{magetab2bioc}}, \code{\link[ArrayExpress]{getcolproc}}, \code{\link[ArrayExpress]{procset}}} \author{ Audrey Kauffmann Maintainer: } \examples{ mexp1422 = getAE("E-MEXP-1422", type = "full") ## Build a an ExpressionSet from the raw data MEXP1422raw = magetab2bioc(files = mexp1422) ## Build a an ExpressionSet from the processed data cnames = getcolproc(mexp1422) MEXP1422proc = procset(mexp1422, cnames[2]) } \keyword{datasets}