\name{toSQLStringSet} \alias{toSQLStringSet} \title{Convert a vector to a quoted string for use as a SQL value list} \description{ Given a vector, this function returns a string with each element of the input coerced to character, quoted, and separated by ",". } \usage{ toSQLStringSet(names) } \arguments{ \item{names}{A vector of values to quote} } \details{ If \code{names} is a character vector with elements containing single quotes, these quotes will be doubled so as to escape the quote in SQL. } \value{ A character vector of length one that represents the input vector as a SQL value list. Each element is single quoted and elements are comma separated. } \author{Herve Pages} \note{ Do not use \code{sQuote} for generating SQL as that function is intended for display purposes only. In some locales, \code{sQuote} will generate fancy quotes which will break your SQL. } \examples{ toSQLStringSet(letters[1:4]) toSQLStringSet(c("'foo'", "ab'cd", "bar")) } \keyword{utilities} \keyword{manip}