\name{print.probetable} \alias{print.probetable} \title{Print method for probetable objects} \usage{ \method{print}{probetable}(x, \dots) } \description{ Prints class(x), nrow(x) and ncol(x), but not the elements of x. The motivation for having this method is that methods from the package \code{base} such as \code{\link[base:print.dataframe]{print.data.frame}} will try to print the values of all elements of \code{x}, which can take inconveniently much time and screen space if \code{x} is large. } \arguments{ \item{x}{an object of S3-class \code{probetable}.} \item{\dots}{further arguments that get ignored.} } \seealso{ \code{\link[base:print.dataframe]{print.data.frame}} } \examples{ a = as.data.frame(matrix(runif(1e6), ncol=1e3)) class(a) = c("probetable", class(a)) print(a) print(as.matrix(a[2:3, 4:6])) } \keyword{print}