\name{getProbeDataAffy} \alias{getProbeDataAffy} \title{Read a data file describing the probe sequences on an Affymetrix genechip} \description{Read a data file describing the probe sequences on an Affymetrix genechip} \usage{ getProbeDataAffy(arraytype, datafile, pkgname = NULL, comparewithcdf = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{arraytype}{Character. Array type (e.g. 'HG-U133A')} \item{datafile}{Character with the filename of the input data file, or a connection (see example). If omitted a default name is constructed from \code{arraytype} (for details you will need to consult this function's source code).} \item{pkgname}{Character. Package name. If NULL the name is derived from \code{arraytype}.} \item{comparewithcdf}{Logical. If TRUE, run a consistency check against a CDF package of the same name (what used to be Laurent's "extraparanoia".)} } \details{This function serves as an interface between the (1) representation of array probe information data in the packages that are generated by \code{\link{makeProbePackage}} and (2) the vendor- and possibly version-specific way the data are represented in \code{datafile}. \code{datafile} is a tabulator-separated file with one row per probe, and column names \code{'Probe X'}, \code{'Probe Y'}, \code{'Probe Sequence'}, and \code{'Probe.Set.Name'}. See the vignette for an example. } \value{A list with three components \item{dataEnv}{an environment which contains the data frame with the probe sequences and the other probe data.} \item{symVal}{a named list of symbol value substitutions which can be used to customize the man pages. See \code{\link[Biobase:createPackage]{createPackage}}.} \item{pkgname}{a character with the package name; will be the same as the function parameter \code{pkgname} if it was specified; otherwise, the name is constructed from the parameter \code{arraytype}.} } \seealso{makeProbePackage} \examples{ ## Please refer to the vignette } \keyword{IO} \keyword{utilities}