\name{KEGGFrame} \docType{class} % Classes \alias{KEGGFrame} \alias{class:KEGGFrame} \alias{KEGGFrame-class} % methods \alias{KEGGFrame} \alias{KEGGFrame,data.frame,character-method} \alias{KEGGFrame,data.frame,missing-method} \alias{getKEGGFrameData} \alias{getKEGGFrameData,KEGGFrame-method} \alias{getKEGGFrameData,KEGGAllFrame-method} \title{KEGGFrame objects} \description{ These objects each contain a data frame which is required to be composed of 2 columns. The 1st column are KEGG IDs. The second are the gene IDs that match to the KEGG IDs. There is also a slot for the organism that these anotations pertain to. \code{getKEGGFrameData} is just an accessor method and returns the data.frame contained in the KEGGFrame object and is mostly used by other code internally. } \details{ The purpose of these objects is to create a safe way for annotation data about KEGG from non-traditional sources to be used for analysis packages like GSEABase and eventually Category. } \examples{ ## Make up an example genes = c(2,9,9,10) KEGGIds = c("04610","00232","00983","00232") frameData = data.frame(cbind(KEGGIds,genes)) library(AnnotationDbi) frame=KEGGFrame(frameData,organism="Homo sapiens") getKEGGFrameData(frame) } \keyword{classes} \keyword{interface}