\name{hierclus} \alias{hierclus} \title{ Hierarchical clustering } \description{ Hierarchical cluster of samples using the 'hclust' function } \usage{ hierclus(object, GErep, methdis, methclu,sel, size) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{object}{ An expression Matrix } \item{GErep}{ Numerical vector that relates each sample with its experimental condition } \item{methdis}{the distance measure to be used. Options are 'euclidean' and 'pearson'. see 'dist' function } \item{methclu}{the agglomeration method to be used by the 'hclust' function } \item{sel}{logical, if \code{TRUE} selects the 'size' highest variance genes for the plot } \item{size}{selects the 'size' highest variance genes for the plot if 'sel=TRUE' } } \author{ Pedro Lopez-Romero } \seealso{ hclust,dist } \examples{ \dontrun{ data(dd) data(targets) GErep=targets$GErep selSNR=which(dd$genes$ControlType==0) dd.aux=dd[selSNR,] index=which(duplicated(dd.aux$genes$ProbeName)==FALSE) dd.aux=dd.aux[index,] hierclus(dd.aux$G,GErep,methdis="euclidean", methclu="complete",sel=FALSE,100) } } \keyword{documentation} \keyword{utilities}