\name{filter.saturated} \alias{filter.saturated} \title{ probes.filter (Internal function) } \description{ An internal function to be used by \code{\link{filter.probes}} } \usage{ filter.saturated(ddFILT, limSAT, ManuelaGO, targets, annotation.package) } \arguments{ \item{ddFILT}{ an RGlist object } \item{limSAT}{for a given feature xi accros samples, is the minimum % of spots that is demanded to remain in a experimental condition with a saturation-FLAG = 0 (Non Saturated) } \item{ManuelaGO}{logical, if a known annotation package is available then it is \code{TRUE} } \item{targets}{ data.frame with the target structure } \item{annotation.package}{ a character specifying the AGI annotation package: 'hgug4112a.db','mgug4122a.db' } } \details{ It eliminates saturated signals. The filtering is based on the FLAG given by the AFE as follows: For a feature = xi accross all the samples, we demand that at least p% of the spots for that feature,in at least one experimental condition, had a quantification flag denoting that the signal is not saturated. AFE produces a Boolean flag indicating whether a spot is saturated (Flag = 1) or not saturated (Flag = 0). A spot is saturated IF 50% of its pixels have an intensity value above the saturation threshold. } \value{ An RGlist with probes that are not saturated (according to the correspondind AFE flag and the filtering options). It also writes an output file (IsSaturated.txt) that contains probes that were saturated. } \author{ Pedro Lopez-Romero } \seealso{ \code{\link{filter.probes}} } \examples{ \dontrun{ data(dd) data(targets) library(hgug4112a.db) ddFILT=filter.saturated(dd,75,TRUE,targets,"hgug4112a.db") dim(ddFILT) } } \keyword{documentation} \keyword{utilities}