\name{filter.control} \alias{filter.control} \title{ filter.probes (Internal function) } \description{ An internal function to be used by \code{\link{filter.probes}} An internal function to be used by \code{\link{CV.rep.probes}} } \usage{ filter.control(ddNORM, ManuelaGO, targets, annotation.package) } \arguments{ \item{ddNORM}{an RGlist object } \item{ManuelaGO}{logical, if a known annotation package is available then it is \code{TRUE} } \item{targets}{ data.frame with the target structure } \item{annotation.package}{ a character specifying the AGI annotation package: 'hgug4112a.db','mgug4122a.db' } } \details{ It eliminates the array internal controls } \value{ An RGlist with the internal controls filtered out It also writes an output file (RawDataNOCtrl.txt) that contains the data set with the controls filtered out and an output file (RawDataNOCtrlWABKGandISF.txt) that contains the data with the flags 'wellAboveBG' and 'IsFound'. This flags both take the value =1 if the signal is well above BG and Is found respectively. See 'filter.wellaboveBG' and 'filter.probes' } \author{ Pedro Lopez-Romero } \seealso{ \code{\link{filter.probes}} } \examples{ \dontrun{ data(dd) data(targets) library(hgug4112a.db) ddFILT=filter.control(dd,TRUE,targets,"hgug4112a.db") dim(ddFILT) } } \keyword{documentation} \keyword{utilities}