\name{filter.NonUnifOL} \alias{filter.NonUnifOL} \title{ probes.filter (Internal function) } \description{ An internal function to be used by \code{\link{filter.probes}} } \usage{ filter.NonUnifOL(ddFILT, limNonUnifOL, ManuelaGO, targets, annotation.package) } \arguments{ \item{ddFILT}{ an RGlist object } \item{limNonUnifOL}{ for a given feature xi accros samples, is the maximum % of spots that can be seen in a experimental condition with a saturation-FLAG = 1 (Is Non Uni OL) } \item{ManuelaGO}{ logical, if a known annotation package is available then it is \code{TRUE} } \item{targets}{ data.frame with the target structure } \item{annotation.package}{ a character specifying the AGI annotation package: 'hgug4112a.db','mgug4122a.db' } } \details{ To keep good quality probes, we filtered out probes that has more than y% of the replicates in at least one experimental condition with a flag indicating the presence of non-uniformity outlier. A feature is non-uniform outlier if its pixel noise exceeds a threshold established for a uniform feature. 1 indicates Feature is a non-uniformity outlier. } \value{ An RGlist with probes that are not non-uniformity Outlier (according to the correspondind AFE flag and the filtering options). It also writes an output file (IsFeatNonUnifOL.txt) that contains probes that were filtered out because they were considered non-uniformity Outlier. } \author{ Pedro Lopez-Romero } \seealso{ \code{\link{filter.probes}} } \examples{ \dontrun{ data(dd) data(targets) library(hgug4112a.db) ddFILT=filter.NonUnifOL(dd,25,TRUE,targets,"hgug4112a.db") dim(ddFILT) } } \keyword{documentation} \keyword{utilities}