\name{ensembl.htmlpage} \alias{ensembl.htmlpage} \title{ genes.rpt.agi (Internal function) } \description{ Internal function to be used by \code{\link{genes.rpt.agi} } } \usage{ ensembl.htmlpage(probe.ids, probe.chr, filename, annotation.package, title, othernames, table.head, table.center = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{probe.ids}{internal function - some arguments are not documented} \item{probe.chr}{internal function - some arguments are not documented} \item{filename}{internal function - some arguments are not documented} \item{annotation.package}{a character specifying the AGI annotation package: 'hgug4112a.db','mgug4122a.db' } \item{title}{internal function - some arguments are not documented} \item{othernames}{internal function - some arguments are not documented} \item{table.head}{internal function - some arguments are not documented} \item{table.center}{internal function - some arguments are not documented} } \details{ It writes an html file with a link to the ENSEMBL data base for each probe in the input. } \value{ An html file } \author{ Pedro Lopez-Romero } \seealso{ \code{\link{genes.rpt.agi}} } \examples{ \dontrun{ data(dd) library(hgug4112a.db) PROBE_ID=dd$genes$ProbeName[200:210] probe.chr=dd$other$chr_coord[200:210,1] GENE_ID = unlist(lookUp(PROBE_ID, "hgug4112a.db", "ACCNUM") ) gene.sym=lookUp(PROBE_ID,"hgug4112a.db","SYMBOL") filename=paste("Gen.Sets","example","html",sep=".") title="Replicated Gene" head <- c("PROBE ID","ACCNUM","SYMBOL","probe chr coord") ensembl.htmlpage(PROBE_ID,probe.chr,filename,"hgug4112a.db", title, table.head=head,table.center = TRUE, other=list(unlist(GENE_ID),unlist(gene.sym),unlist(probe.chr))) } } \keyword{documentation} \keyword{utilities}