\name{CV.rep.probes} \alias{CV.rep.probes} \title{ Non-control replicated Probes identication} \description{ Computes the %CV for each array from the set of non-control replicated probes } \usage{ CV.rep.probes(ddDUP, annotation.package, foreground, raw.data, writeR,targets) } \arguments{ \item{ddDUP}{An RGList } \item{annotation.package}{a character specifying the AGI annotation package: 'hgug4112a.db','mgug4122a.db' } \item{foreground}{a character specifying the signal from wich the CV is calculated: 'MeanSignal' or 'ProcessedSignal' } \item{raw.data}{logical, \code{TRUE} if the RGList contains the RAW data } \item{writeR}{logical, \code{TRUE} to write the REPORT FILE 'Probe.Sets.txt' } \item{targets}{data.frame containing the TARGET file } } \details{ Agilent arrays contain a number of non-control probes replicated up to ten times spread accross the array. This allows computing the %CV (percent of coefficient of variation) for each array. The CV is computed for every set of replicated probes. CV median is reported as the array CV. A lower CV median indicates a better array reproducibility. } \value{ A txt file 'Probe.Sets.txt' that contains PROBE, number of replicates, ACCNUM code, SYMBOL code, DESCRIPTION of the gene, and probe % CV on each of the arrays A boxplot that shows CV distribution computed for every set of replicated probes } \author{ Pedro Lopez-Romero } \examples{ \dontrun{ data(dd) data(targets) library(hgug4112a.db) CV.rep.probes(dd,"hgug4112a.db", foreground="MeanSignal",raw.data=TRUE,writeR=TRUE,targets) } } \keyword{documentation} \keyword{utilities}