\name{parseBPMAP} \alias{parseBPMAP} \title{ Returns information from a BPMAP file for select probes in an Affymetrix tiling array. } \description{ parseBPMAP takes as input the path to an Affymetrix BPMAP file, and data on any genomic intervals of particular interest to the analysis. Returns a matrix, where rows represent each probe on the tiling array and columns representing the following information: "UniqueID" -- A unique ID for each probeset of the form: "Chromosome-Start" (if makeUniqueID == TRUE) "CHR" -- Chromosome on which the probe is located "Start" -- Genomic position in the BPMAP file "PMX" -- X index of the spot on the tiling array "PMY" -- Y index of the spot on the tiling array "SEQ" -- Sequence of the probe (if readProbeSeq == TRUE) "iID" -- The ID of the interval in which this probe is located (if an interval was passed) Note that passing a region of interest returns only probes in that genomic region. If no region is specified, information is returned for all probes on the tiling array. } \usage{ parseBPMAP(filename, iID=NULL, iCHR=NULL, iSTART=NULL, iEND=NULL, recordIntervalIDs = FALSE, makeUniqueID = TRUE, readOnlyNCBI = TRUE, seqIndices = NULL, readProbeSeq = TRUE, verbose = 0) } \arguments{ \item{filename}{ The path to the BPMAP file which describes the arrays specified in the cel files. } \item{iID}{ Vector of IDs for each interval specified. } \item{iCHR}{ Vector of chromosomes for each interval. } \item{iSTART}{ Integer vector of the interval start. } \item{iEND}{ Integer vector of the interval end. } \item{recordIntervalIDs}{ If TRUE, returns a column of the interval ID corresponding to each probe. Requires use of interval data. } \item{makeUniqueID}{ If TRUE (default), returns a column of unique identifiers for each probe, of the form: "chr"-"start" } \item{readOnlyNCBI}{ If TRUE (default), returns ONLY probes that target NCBI sequences, TIGR and Affymetrix controls are ignored. } \item{seqIndices}{ If specified, reads only given portions of the BPMAP file (Expert ONLY). } \item{readProbeSeq}{ If TRUE, returns the first 25 bp of the probe sequence. } \item{verbose}{ if >= 1, returns varying amounts of output in the R window. } } \author{ Charles Danko } \examples{ ## Note that executing the following example requires a .bpmap file in the working directory. ## If one does not exist, the program will not execute. ## Identify a .bpmap file in the current working directory. BPMAP <- dir(pattern=".bpmap"); ## If one or more .bpmap file are present in the current working directory ## returns a list representation of information in the first .bpmap file. if( NROW(BPMAP) > 0 ) { parseBPMAP(BPMAP[0]); } } \keyword{ data }