\name{TilingCelFiles2Probesets} \alias{TilingCelFiles2Probesets} \title{ Background correction and RNA normalization for CEL files from an Affymetrix tiling array. } \description{ TilingCelFiles2Probesets extracts intensity data from a group of CEL files and returns annotated intensities using information from a BPMAP file. Options can be set to limit the analysis to certain genomic features or regions of interest,thus requiring less memory and computing time. Returns a matrix, where rows represent probe sets and columns represent the following: --Unique probeset ID ("chromosome-first probe START position-last probe END position") --Probe start position (in genomic coordinates) --Chromosome --Average normalized intensity for sample 1 --Average normalized intensity for sample 2 ... --Average normalized intensity for sample N Note that unlike AnalyzeTilingCelFiles, this function reports only 1 average value for all probes in each interval. } \usage{ TilingCelFiles2Probesets(CEL_filenames, BPMAP_filename, outfilename=NULL, iID=NULL, iCHR, iSTART, iEND, IgnoreBpmapCelPlatformMismatch=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{CEL_filenames}{ A character vector of the path to all CEL file(s) in the analysis. } \item{BPMAP_filename}{ The path to the BPMAP file which describes the arrays specified in the cel files. } \item{outfilename}{ If specified, the function writes a tab-separated table of normalized intensities. } \item{iID}{ Vector of IDs for each interval specified. If NULL (default) creates a unique ID for each interval of the form: "CHR-START-END". } \item{iCHR}{ Vector of chromosomes for each interval. } \item{iSTART}{ Integer vector of the interval start. } \item{iEND}{ Integer vector of the interval end. } \item{IgnoreBpmapCelPlatformMismatch}{ If TRUE, ignores a mismatch between BPMAP and CEL platforms. (EXPERT ONLY!) } } \author{ Charles Danko } \examples{ ## Note that executing the following example requires .bpmap and .cel files in the working directory. ## If these files do not, the program will not execute. ## Creates a sample interval of the first 1MB of chromosome 1-3. ## This function will return a single value for each interval. iCHR <- c("chr1", "chr2", "chr3") iSTART <- rep(1, 3) iEND <- iSTART + 1e+06 ## Get the file names in the current working directory. CEL_NAMES <- dir(pattern=".CEL|.cel"); BPMAP <- dir(pattern=".bpmap"); ## If files are found in the current working directory ... start the analysis!! if( (NROW(CEL_NAMES) > 0) & (NROW(BPMAP) > 0) ) { TilingCelFiles2Probesets(CEL_NAMES, BPMAP, outfilename="NormalizedData.tsv", iID=NULL, iCHR=iCHR, iSTART=iSTART, iEND=iEND); } } \keyword{ data }