\name{Einter} \alias{Einter} \docType{data} \alias{intensities} \title{Sample intensities for human promoter tiling array. } \description{ Einter is a data frame consisting of 3 position information columns (Unique ID, Start position of probe, Chromosome) and normalized intensity data from 4 samples. Data is given for the first 3Mb of human chromosomes 1-3. From the Affymetrix human promoter tiling array v02-3. Full description is given below... \describe{ \item{\code{UniqueID}}{A unique ID for each probe.} \item{\code{START}}{The start position of each probe.} \item{\code{CHR}}{The chromosome of each probe.} \item{\code{X19.103.10009.CEL}}{Normalized, Log-2 transformed intensities for sample X19.103.10009.} \item{\code{X19.104.10013.CEL}}{Normalized, Log-2 transformed intensities for sample X19.104.10013.} \item{\code{X19.107.10027.CEL}}{Normalized, Log-2 transformed intensities for sample X19.107.10027.} \item{\code{X19.104.10013.CEL}}{Normalized, Log-2 transformed intensities for sample X19.104.10013.} } } \usage{data(KnownGenes)} \format{data frame} \source{Unpublished data, courtesy of Yanli Zhang and Frank Middleton.} \keyword{datasets}