\name{result2html} \alias{result2html} \title{output differentially expressed genes to a HTML file} \description{ output differentially expressed genes to a HTML file based on a result table from the select.sig.gene function. It contais the following columns: Probe, Symbol, Description, GenBank, LocusLink, Log2ratio, and p value. } \usage{ result2html(cdf.name, result, filename="result") } \arguments{ \item{cdf.name}{cdf name which can be obtained from the annotation function} \item{result}{a data frame returned from the gene.select function} \item{filename}{a file name for the output} } \author{Xiwei Wu \email{xwu@coh.org}, Xuejun Arthur Li \email{xueli@coh.org}} \examples{ data(testData) normaldata<-pre.process("rma",testData) ## Create design matrix design<-make.design(pData(normaldata), "group") ## Create contrast matrix - Compare group "A" vs. "C" contrast<-make.contrast(design, "A", "C") ## Identify differentially expressed gene by using LIMMA method result<-regress(normaldata, design, contrast, "L") ## Select differentially expressed gene based on p <0.05 and ## fold change >=log2(1.5) select<-select.sig.gene(result, p.value=0.05, m.value=log2(1.5)) ## Output differentially expressed gene to a example.html result2html(annotation(normaldata), select, "example") } \keyword{misc}