\name{xclass} \alias{xclass} \title{ (Advanced) Construct R objects from XML document queries } \description{ This function takes an xml object, created from \code{\link{readXml}}, and an xpath query referencing an element of the document,and returns an R object represneting the element. The xpath query must retrive an element, not an attribute. } \usage{ xclass(doc, xpathq, prefix = character(0)) } \arguments{ \item{doc}{An \code{XMLInternalDocument} retrieved using \code{\link{readXml}}.} \item{xpathq}{A length-1 character string representing an xpath query into the document.} \item{prefix}{A prefix used to map, when necessary, between the XML class name and the corresponding R class. For \code{NetAffx}-based classes, the prefix is \sQuote{Affx}; no prefix is required for DTT or ARR documents.} } \value{ An R object corresponding to the class(es) referenced by the xpath query. } \references{ \url{http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath} provides a very useful description of xpath. Addiitonal references are in the vignette `Retrieving MAGE and ARR sample attributes'. } \author{Martin Morgan} \seealso{ The vignettes `Retrieving MAGE and ARR sample attributes' and `Annotation retrieval with NetAffxResource' for detailed illustration of use. \code{\link{readXml}} for appropriately reading XML documents. } \examples{ example(readXml) } \keyword{manip}