\name{NetAffxResource} \alias{NetAffxResource} \title{Create and access a NetAffxResource database} \description{ Use this function to create and access a NetAffxResource database. } \usage{ NetAffxResource(user = character(0), password = character(0), affxLicence = "FHCRC0607", directory = tempdir(), ...) } \arguments{ \item{user}{Lenght 1 character vector containing the Affymetrix user name authorized to access the NetAffx resource.} \item{password}{Length 1 character vector containing the Affymetrix password of the user.} \item{affxLicence}{Length 1 character vector containing the Affymetrix licence (typically application specific, i.e., the specified licence covers AffyCompatible).} \item{directory}{(Optional) length 1 character vector providing the full path to the local directory where the NetAffx database and files will be managed. Defaults to a session-specific temporary directory.} \item{\dots}{Additional arugments, not currently used.} } \details{ \code{NetAffxResource} creates a \code{\linkS4class{NetAffxResource}} object that manages a data base of NetAffx resources. The data base is located on the user file system as indicated by the \code{directory} arugment. It is populated when the user requests specific files. Users should provide a \code{directory} argument, so that the data base can be reused across sessions. This means that large files are only downloaded once. Additional details are provided in the vignette accompanying this package. } \value{ \code{\linkS4class{NetAffxResource}}. } \author{Martin Morgan} \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{NetAffxResource}}. The vignette `Annotations with NetAffx'. } \keyword{database}