\name{generics} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{vals} \alias{chromosome} \alias{threshold} \alias{end} \alias{plot} \alias{start} \alias{cutpoints} \title{Generics defined within ACME } \description{ See methods descriptions for details. } \usage{ vals(x, ...) chromosome(object, ...) end(x, ...) start(x, ...) plot(x, y, ...) cutpoints(x, ...) threshold(x, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{An \code{ACMESet} or \code{ACMECalcSet} object (for cutpoints and threshold)} \item{object}{An \code{ACMESet} or \code{ACMECalcSet} object (for cutpoints and threshold)} \item{y}{Treated as missing for plotting these types of objects} \item{\dots}{Passed into method } } \details{ These are all getters for \code{ACMESet} and \code{ACMECalcSet} objects. } \value{ See methods descriptions for details } \author{ Sean Davis } \seealso{ \linkS4class{ACMESet}, \linkS4class{ACMECalcSet} } \examples{ data(example.agff) head(chromosome(example.agff)) head(end(example.agff)) head(start(example.agff)) } \keyword{ manip }