\name{mvaPair2} \alias{mvaPair2} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ plot MA for each pair of columns } \description{ MA plot for each pair of columns } \usage{ mvaPair2(x, y = NULL, snThresh = 3, labels = colnames(x), log.it = FALSE, span = 2/3, family.loess = "gaussian", digits = 3, line.col = 2, main = "MA plot", ... ) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{ expression matrix } \item{y}{ S/N ratio matrix } \item{snThresh}{ S/N threshold } \item{labels}{ name for the labels } \item{log.it}{ should data be log transformed } \item{span}{ span of the plot } \item{family.loess}{ curve fitting } \item{digits}{ number of digits to display } \item{line.col}{ size of the line col } \item{main}{ title for the MA plot } \item{...}{ additional argument } } \details{ If S/N ratio is available, probes with S/N < 3 in both array will be colored differently. } \value{ MA plot } \author{ Yongming Sun } \examples{ ##---- exprs expression matrix, sn s/n ratio !! ---- %- mvaPairs(exprs, sn) } \keyword{ hplot }% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS