\name{matrixPlot} \alias{matrixPlot} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ heatmap for matrix } \description{ Create heatmap from a matrix } \usage{ matrixPlot(x, nrgcols = 50, rlabels = TRUE, clabels = TRUE, rcols = 1, ccols = 1, k = 10, title = "", ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{ a matrix } \item{nrgcols}{ number of colors to use } \item{rlabels}{ whether to use row labels } \item{clabels}{ whether to use column labels } \item{rcols}{ use supplemental row label } \item{ccols}{ use supplemental column label } \item{k}{ number of tick labels for scale bar } \item{title}{ title for the plot } \item{...}{ additional argument } } \details{ This function can be used to plot any numberic matrix, e.g., correlation matrix, S/N matrix, signal intensity matrix, etc } \value{ heatmap } \author{ Yongming Sun } \examples{ %- matrixPlot(dataMatrix, title = "Some Interesting Title") } \keyword{ hplot }% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS